Galion Board of Health Meeting

1. Call to Order
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

2. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

3. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

4. Old Business

4.1 Board of Health Continuing Education
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
5 minutes

Board members will be asked to certify completion of 2 hours of continuing education for 2014, and to provide guidance as to desired resources for continuing education in 2015.

5. New Business

5.1 Financial Reports

5.2 Resolution 2015-134: 2015 Food Service Operation/Retail Food Establishment Fees
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
5 minutes

This will be the third reading of proposed fees in the food service operation/retail food establishment program for the license year 2015, and the Board will be asked to approve the fees.

5.3 Association of Ohio Health Commissioners/Skillsoft Contract
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
5 minutes

The Association of Ohio Health Commissioners (AOHC) has negotiated a 3-year contract with Skillsoft to offer to interested local health departments 30 training courses per year on a variety of topics, including IT and management. Each user is required to have a license in order to participate, the cost of which will not exceed $30.00, and he/she may take any or all of the courses offered. The course list for 2015 is attached. The Board will be asked to approve contracting with AOHC for 6 Skillsoft licenses.    

5.4 Employee Salary & Benefits
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
10 minutes

The AFSCME contract specifies a 3% increase in salary and an in increase in the employee's share of the health insurance premium to 12.5%. The Board will be asked to consider employee salary and benefits. 

5.5 Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) Grant Contract
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
10 minutes

Crawford County General Health District has submitted a contract for Galion City Board of Health consideration for services provided under the PHEP grant. 

5.6 BlueSky Contract
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Health Commissioner
5 minutes

This is a renewal of the contract with BlueSky Meeting Solutions for the software used to manage Board documents and reporting. 

5.7 Future of Public Health in Galion City
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
30 minutes

Mr. O'Leary participated in a meeting on December 22, 2014, with the chief executive officer and legal counsel of Galion and Bucyrus as well as the Crawford County District Advisory Council. He will be asked to summarize the meeting and lead a discussion about the direction of public health in this jurisdiction. 

5.8 Communicable Disease Prevention & Control Reports

6. Adjournment
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

7. Next Meeting

Tuesday, February 10, 2015 7:30-9:30 am at Galion City Health Department