Special Board of Health Meeting

1. Call to Order


Ms. Shellie Burgin called the meeting to order at 7:33am.

2. Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the special meeting agenda for September 20, 2023.

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____        
Passed          Failed
*Note any items removed from the consent agenda to be added, if necessary.


Mandi Moran made a motion to approve the special meeting agenda for September 20, 2023 and Heidi Matney seconded.  A roll call vote was taken and motion carried.

Result: Approved

3. Approval of Board of Health Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the September 12, 2023 GCHD Board of Health Minutes.

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____         
Passed          Failed

4. Approval of Fiscal Reports

Motion to approve the August 2023 Fiscal Reports.

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____       
Passed          Failed


Mike Flick made a motion to approve the August 2023 Fiscal Reports and Mandi Moran seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken and motion carried.

Result: Approved

5. New Business

5.1 Approval of the Final Pay for Jason McBride

Motion to approve the final pay for Jason McBride with a flat rate vacation accrual of 3.077 hours per pay or an hourly pro-rated rate.

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____ 

Passed          Failed


Mandi Moran made a motion to approve the final pay for Jason McBride with a flat rate accrual of 3.077 hours for his final pay period and Mike Flick seconded the motion.  A roll call vote was taken and motion carried.

Result: Approved

5.2 Approval of the Hourly Rate Addition to Interim Health Commissioner

Motion to approve an additional $3.00 per hour to the Interim Health Commissioner position and making it exempt and salaried so that additional comp time is not earned beginning on the next pay period, starting September 24, 2023.

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____ 

Passed          Failed


Mandi Moran made a motion to approve an additional $3.00 per hour to the interim health commissioner position and make the position salaried and exempt beginning the pay period that starts September 24, 2023.  Mike Flick seconded the motion and a roll call vote was taken and motion carried.

Result: Approved

6. Executive Session (as needed)

Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of _____________________________ by: _______________ Seconded by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Time: __________

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____     
Passed          Failed          Tabled

An executive session may be requested for one or more of the following matters to:
a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of
a public employee or official, or to consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;
c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal


Motion to return from Executive Session by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Time: __________

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____         
Passed          Failed


Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of __(a) the compensation of a public employee___ by: _Mandi Moran__ Seconded by: _Mike Flick  at

Time: __7:40am_  A motion was made by Shellie Burgin at 7:45am and seconded by Heidi Matney to return from Executive Session and stating that they mad a decision to have the interim health commissioner answer all applicable questions in a letter received from Nicole Ward about an unemployment claim made by Jason McBride.  Some of the questions do not apply to an unclassified, exempt/salaried position as the health commissioner position is per the Ohio Revised Code.

Result: Approved

7. Next Scheduled Board of Health Meeting & City Council Meetings

Next scheduled Board of Health Meeting:

-October 10, 2023 at 5:00pm Galion City Health Department

Next Scheduled Galion City Council & Subcommittee Meetings:

-Finance September 20, 2023

-Police, Health, and Fire September 21, 2023
-(City Council) September 26, 2023, at 7:00 pm in Council Chambers

8. Adjournment

Motion to Adjourn by:  

Voice Vote Needed


Time meeting adjourned


Shellie Burgin made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:46am.

Result: Approved