Galion Board of Health Meeting

1. Call to Order

2. Approval of Consent Agenda

Motion to approve the consent agenda for July 9, 2024 as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed
*Note any consent agenda items to be removed, if necessary.

2.1 Health Commissioner Report

2.2 Nursing Division Report

2.3 Environmental Health Division Report

2.4 STI & HIV Grant Report Update

2.5 Contracts

2.6 Board of Health Continuing Education (ORC 3701.342)

Reminder to BOH members that two (2) hours of continuing education are required to be completed each calendar year per Ohio Revised Code 3701.342.Verification sheets and copies of certificates need to be submitted to the health commissioner.    The Sunshine Laws  are updated frequently and it is an applicable training that is available at

QPR Training is available this Thursday, July 11th at 8:15am.  This will count towrd CEU requirement.


2.7 Outreach Reports

3. Approval of the Agenda

Motion to approve the agenda for July 9, 2024 as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

4. Approval of the Board of Health Meeting Minutes

Motion to approve the June 18, 2024  Special BOH meeting minutes as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

5. Approval of the Finance Reports
Ms. Leanna Perdue

Motion to approve the June 2024 Finance Reports as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

*If the Auditor's Office has not closed out the month in time for finance reports to be completed, they will be provided at the next meeting.

6. Reports for Discussion

6.1 Clemans, Nelson, & Associates

Brian Butcher has agreed to participate in our August 13th BOH meeting to present their offer for legal assistance specifically geared toward human resource issues in public health.

7. New Business

7.1 Approval for Out of State Travel

Motion to approve the Out of State Travel for the 2024 STI Prevention Conference, September 16-19th in Atlanta GA,  as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _____________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

7.2 Accept Resignation of PRN, Melanie Mason

Motion to accept the resignation of Melanie Mason, RN effective 07/02/2024 as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

7.3 Permission to Post and Hire a PRN Public Health Nurse

Motion to allow the health commissioner to post and hire a PRN public health nurse as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

7.4 Wellness Program

Motion to allow the health commissioner to implement a wellness program for staff, allowing for 15 minute walks, once per day (staggered but in pairs)in uptowne Galion (as weather and coverage permits) as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

7.5 HDIS Agreement

Motion to approve entering into a software maintenance and support agreement with the
Baldwin Group (HDIS) as presented by: _______________ Second by: _______________
Abstentions: _______________

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____ Moran_____ Flick_____ Matney_____
Passed Failed

8. Executive Session (as needed)

Motion to enter into Executive Session for the purpose of _____________________________ by: _______________ Seconded by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Time: __________
Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____     
Passed          Failed          Tabled

An executive session may be requested for one or more of the following matters to:
a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of
a public employee or official, or to consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;
b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;
c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;
d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sessions with public employees;
e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;
f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal

Motion to return from Executive Session by: _______________ Second by: _______________ Abstentions: _______________
Time: __________

Roll Call Vote Needed
Burgin_____  Flick_____ Matney_____Moran_____         
Passed          Failed

9. Next Scheduled Board of Health Meeting & City Council Meetings

August 13, 2024 at 5:00pm at GCHD, 113 Harding Way East Galion OH 44833

See attached BOH Meeting Dates

Galion City Council - July 9th at 7:00pm in the Council Chambers

Finance Committee Meeting-July 17th at 7:00pm in Council Chambers

Police, Fire, and Health Committee Meeting-July 18th at 7:00pm in Council Chambers

Galion City Council - July 23rd at 7:00pm in Council Chambers

10. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn by ____________Second by ______________ Abstentions______________

Voice Vote Needed

Passed  Failed

Time Meeting Adjourned:__________.