Galion Board of Health Meeting

1. Call to Order
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

Time meeting called to order: ___________.

2. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

Note any additions or changes to the agenda.

Motion to approve the Agenda by: ____________________  Second by: ____________________ Abstentions: ____________________

Voice Vote needed          Passed          Failed

3. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

Motion to approve the Minutes as presented by: ____________________ Second by: ____________________ Abstentions: ____________________

Voice Vote Needed          Passed          Failed

4. Approval of Finance Reports/ Warrants
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Motion to approve the May 2016 Finance Reports as presented by: ____________________ Second by: ____________________ Abstentions: ___________________

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed




5. Public Comment

6. New Business

6.1 Community Counseling MOU
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Motion to approve entering into an MOU to allow Community Counseling, Inc. use of space within the Galion City Health Department to render Mental Health Counseling Services as presented by: ____________________ Second By:____________________ Abstentions: ___________________

This is a great community partnership that has allowed Galion residents to seek counseling services when they otherwise would not be able to. Community Counseling has shared with us that there has been great feedback and an obvious need for these services to be provided right here in Galion.

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed





6.2 GCHD/ SCHD Environmental MOU
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Motion to approve entering into an MOU with the Shelby City Health Department for the purpose of evaluation of the Environmental Health Directors' performance in the food safety program as presented by: ____________________ Second By:____________________ Abstentions: ___________________

This MOU is intended to replace the current MOU with only slight modifications; there is no exchange of money involved in this agreement.

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed





6.3 Car Seat Fee Increase
Ms. DeEtta Shaffer, RN, BSN, Director of Nursing

Motion to approve an increase in car seat fees to $20 effective 7/1/2016 as presented by: ____________________ Second By:____________________ Abstentions: ___________________

This increase will begin to put us in alignment with Regional OBB fees in an incremental fashion.

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed





6.4 Credit Cards
Ms. DeEtta Shaffer, RN, BSN, Director of Nursing

Motion to enter into an agreement for the purpose of accepting debit/ credit cards as a form of payment as presented by: ____________________ Second by: ____________________

Various options will be explored; looking for the best product. Any fees for usage would be passed on to the customer as is standard practice in many government agencies.

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed

6.5 PT PHN Position
Ms. DeEtta Shaffer, RN, BSN, Director of Nursing

Motion post for the position of Part-Time Public Health Nurse as presented by: ____________________ Second by: ____________________

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed

6.6 Emergency Preparedness- Operation Decisive Medallion
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Please find attached the DRAFT After Action Report for the Emergency Preparedness Exercise; Operation Decisive Medallion.

6.7 Timeline for LHD's on the individual LHD Pathway to Accreditation
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Please find attached the new timeline for Local Health Departments on the pathway to Accreditation.

Discussion regarding GCHD timeframes.

6.8 ODH Afterhours Calldown Drill
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Please find attached the confirmation of compliance with the ODH Afterhours Calldown Drill dated 5/12/16.

6.9 Ohio Department of Agriculture Food Survey Report
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Director of Environmental Health

Please find attached the ODA Food Survey Reportdiscussed at last months meeting.

6.10 Swinehart Retirement
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Please see attached for Open House Announcement.

6.11 Additional CHA Data Analyzed
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

Please find attached additional Community Health Assessment (CHA) data that has been analyzed.

Data sets given to GCHD by HCNO were analyzed in order to look at additional findings and assess the data in a way that could be useful for futre progamatic planning.

7. Monthly Reports
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

7.1 Health Commissioner's Monthly Report
Ms. Trish Factor, MPH, MCHES, CHEP, Health Commissioner

7.2 Nursing Monthly Report
Ms. DeEtta Shaffer, RN, BSN, Director of Nursing

7.3 Environmental Monthly Report
Ms. Stephanie Zmuda, RS, Director of Environmental Health

8. Executive Session (as needed)

Motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose of ______________________________ by: ____________________ Second by: ____________________

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____

Passed          Failed

Motion to return from Executive Session by:____________________ Second by:____________________

Roll Call Vote Needed          Long_____     Kerr_____     Strickler_____     Cramer_____


An executive session is requested for one or more of the following matters to:

_____ a. consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official, or to consider the investigations of charges or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee or "regulated individual"; unless the person being investigated of charges or complaints requests a public hearing;

_____ b. consider the purchase or sale of public property if the public interest would be hurt by the premature disclosure of the information;

_____ c. confer with the public body's attorney for the purpose of considering disputes if a court action concerning the dispute is either pending or imminent;

_____ d. prepare for, conduct, or review negotiations or bargaining sesssions with public employees;

_____ e. consider matters required by federal laws, or rules, or state statutes to be kept confidential;

_____ f. consider specialized details of security arrangements if the information could be used for criminal purposes.

9. Next Board of Health Meeting
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President

July 12, 2016 at 7:30 am Galion City Health Department Board Room


10. Adjournment
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

Motion to Adjourn by:___________________ Second by: ____________________ Abstentions: ____________________

Voice Vote Needed          Passed          Failed