Galion Board of Health Meeting

1. Call to Order
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes


7:30 a.m.

2. Approval of Agenda
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes


Ms. Kerr made a motion that the agenda for the meeting be approved.  The motion was seconded by Mr. Schilling, and it was unanimously approved

3. Approval of Minutes
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
5 minutes


Ms Kerr made a motion that the minutes from the January 14, 2014 meeting be approved with following amendments:

·         Mr. Schilling made a motion to amend the January 14, 2014 minutes to reflect the separate motions for approval of the two BOH minutes in December 2013. Mr. Schilling stated that:

“Ms. Kerr mad a motion that the minutes from December 20, 2013 meeting be approved as read.” The motion was seconded by Ms. Kerr and it was unanimously approved.”

·         Ms. Strickler made a motion to add the word “he” to two places in the January 14, 2014 minutes, the first under the New Business, Finances/Monthly Bills: (“Mr. O’Leary stated that he is in favor…”); and correct the following omissions (bold type): 1. “Ms. Kerr made the motion to approve the monthly report, seconded by Ms. Strickler.“; 2. “The motion (to adjourn) was seconded by Ms. Strickler.”; and 3. “The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 11...” Ms. Kerr seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.

.  The motion was seconded by Ms. Strickler and it was unanimously approved

4. Old Business
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
20 minutes



5. New Business
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
20 minutes

5.1 Clemans-Nelson 2011 version of Personnel Policy for review
Steve Novack, DO, Health Commissioner
10 minutes

Part 1


Clemans-Nelson Personnel Manual, section 1- Mr. O’Leary questioned whether the Board has the up-to-date information for development of a personnel policy manual. Mr. Schilling stated that the Board must have that information. Mr. O’Leary recommends that staff contact Clemans-Nelson in the next thirty days for updated human resources law and other practices. 

5.2 Computer replacement- Smartronix
Steve Novack, DO, Health Commissioner
10 minutes


Computer replacement- Smartronix quote- Mr. O’Leary recommended that the quote not include sales tax. Mr. Long recommended that the new monitors be HDMI capable. Mr. Schilling made a motion for approval. The motion was seconded by Long. The motion passed unanimously

5.3 2014 personnel benefits based on AFSCME contract
Steve Novack, DO, Health Commissioner
10 minutes

·         2014 personnel benefits summary based on AFSCME contract:

o   3% raise

o   10% employee contribution to health insurance

o   0% PERS “pick up”


Tabled for March BOH meeting. 

5.4 Monthly Bills and Financials
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
5 minutes


Mr. Schilling reviewed the graphical presentation of the monthly finances. He requested the data be presented in bar graph as opposed to line graph. Mr. Schilling made a motion for approval of the monthly bills. Mr. Long seconded the motion. The motion passed. 

6. Commissioner
Steve Novack, DO, Health Commissioner
20 minutes

6.1 Annual Report
Steve Novack, DO, Health Commissioner
5 minutes

uploaded February 10, 2014 8:30 pm

7. Adjournment
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

8. Next Meeting
Mr. Tom O'Leary, Mayor, City of Galion, President
1 minutes

Mar 11, 2014

No action required