Ms. Crossland - 8.5% PERS pickup offset & 3% cost of living increases ($26.76 to $29.84)
Ms. Zmuda - 8.5% PERS pickup offset & 3% cost of living increases ($24.71 to $27.55)
Ms. Diebler - 3% cost of living increase ($20 to $20.60)
Ms. Kimmerline - 3% cost of living increase ($20 to $20.60)
Ms. Roston - 3% cost of living increase ($15 to $15.45)
Ms. Swinehart - 3% cost of living increase ($21.39 to $22.03)
Employee portion of insurance premium for all eligible employees will increase 2.5%
City will no longer pickup employee portion of PERS for employees previously eligible.
All items are retroactive to the first of the year 2014.